Do you feel lost at sea and can’t see land? Do you feel that something in your life just isn’t right? Are you feeling anxious or depressed? Do you feel confused or frightened? Or maybe you just feel as if life is not all that you hoped it would be. All of these are natural feelings that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. What makes the difference is what you do when you feel this way. And perhaps individual therapy (a.k.a. personal counseling) could help you sail through these storms.
There are many reasons that you may feel these emotions. Some may stem from current situations, while others may be more specific to past events. Learning what is causing you to feel this way is my goal as your therapist. When you can discover what is truly causing you to feel a certain way, you can change.
Healing Harbor Counseling, PLLC, Colorado Springs, CO, is a place where you can explore what is bothering you and find solutions to these issues. I offer a safe haven that is free from judgement and as your counselor I will offer you compassion and understanding. We will work together until the problems are resolved.
I am dedicated to making you feel comfortable in a therapy setting. We start with a free 15-minute in-person or telephone consultation. This allows me to introduce myself and make my clients feel more comfortable. I encourage anyone who is seeking help through therapy to call me to schedule this free appointment and start on their journey to emotional freedom:
Please keep reading to learn more …
What Is Individual Therapy?
Therapy is about exploring those things that have an impact on our lives both emotionally and physically. It is about learning about ourselves and growing from our strengths. It is about addressing things that make us feel unhappy and learning how to make that change. It is a way for self-discovery and a path to fulfillment.
Individual therapy is designed to help individuals address issues in their lives that are causing them emotional pain. Depression, anxiety, frustration, apathy and even general sadness are all forms of emotional pain.
My therapy sessions are designed to address the true causes of this pain and help the individual find a solution to the problem. Every individual therapy is different because every person is different.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Individual Therapy?
Any person who feels dissatisfied with their current situation is a good candidate for individual therapy. Anyone who feels distressed, lost, or emotionally distraught is a good candidate. Anyone who wants to improve their overall well being is the perfect candidate. In fact, at Healing Harbor Counseling, PLLC, I believe that anyone who is considering therapy has already taken the first step towards being the right candidate for therapy.
There are not any specific qualifications for therapy except for the desire to change the way things are in your life. Individual therapy is for those seeking more from their lives or wanting a better understanding of who they are and where they desire to go.
How Does Individual Therapy Work?
Each therapy session is designed to address the specific needs of the individual. At Healing Harbor Counseling, PLLC, I do not follow a specific therapy schedule. I use a guideline so that counseling can be tailored to meet the needs of the client, not a specific time table.
What Are The Benefits Of Individual Therapy?
Every person will derive different benefits from individual counseling. It has been my experience that this type of counseling benefits the clients by giving them the following:
- A better understanding of themselves as a person. People learn who they are and what they want from life.
- The ability to set and reach goals.
- A better understanding of the situations in their lives that placed them in their current situation.
- A better knowledge of how to interact with other people and what to expect from relationships.
- A way to look into themselves and see everything that is good.
- A comfort in knowing that there is someone who does care.
- A plan for the future.
Of course, the benefits that each person receives as a result of individual counseling will be very personal.
How Long Does Individual Therapy Take?
At Healing Harbor Counseling, PLLC, I do not set time limits on counseling. I strongly believe that counseling should be based on the needs of the individual and not on a specific time line. Counseling should take as little or as long as the individual needs to feel better and regain control of their life.
Getting Started with Individual Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO
If you are ready to start counseling, I encourage you to take advantage of my free consultation. This allows me to introduce myself and my service. From there we can begin the journey to helping you reclaim your happiness